Seriously? Really now? I am so ANGRY!
So here is the deal I went on retreat last week for two days.
That doesn't seem long but that means I missed a lot of school work!
Well seeing how I had just gotten back from retreat i didn't know
what i had missed out on. So when i get back first my religion teacher
wants me to make up a quiz with everyone else that missed them.
Then i go to Chem and my teacher makes me take a test after i missed
two days of class, which don't seem like much, but i missed ALOT of work.
Of course i got 50 on both of them.
And now my parents know about them because they checked my grades.
I wouldn't be as mad if my parents had every showed interest before in my grades
but they havent! Now that I am a Junior and my broter is in college all of a sudden
they decide its okay to pay attention to me now when they haven't ever done so
before! So just 5 minutes ago my dad comes downstairs and interrogates me about
what happened in those classes. I told him the truth, THAT I MISSED CLASSES ON RETREAT!
but nooo he doesn't believe me. Now he wants to set up a meeting with my teachers!
So of course I'm pissed because my dad doesn't believe me at all!!
Not else to mention that on retreat our bus forgot us so i got home 3 hours later and had
no time at all to study if i even knew about these tests!
But the teacher on retreat said she'd talk to the teachers!
Of course i have to be a stupid honors student and the teachers expect more out of me!
So what the hell am i supposed ot do with all of these expectations?
Seriously dad?! SEIROUSLY?!?! What the hell? Why do they now all of a sudden take
interest in my grades! They haven't paid attention to my grades since i was in 4th grade
and failing every single social studies test! I HAVE GOTTEN 50s before but i brought them up!
But of course they wouldn't know that because they haven't paid attention until now.
why can't they just understand??